How to address the voices in your head


Hello Everyone,

I am here to tell you that these past couple of days have been hard for me, been dealing with some stress with work and trying to stay organized at home. Of course the negative stories in my head are giving their two cents of what they think. I hear it often when I am nervous, scared, or when my anxiety is peaking. I like to call this the mean girl in my head. The voice that has to be a b*tch about all my insecurities and just gotta point them out to me. She’s the one making the situation and anxiety worse, and guess what I am letting her come in and take over the whole damn show. Ok first of all, you probably think I’m crazy I hear voices in my head, well we all do! Its our inner critic, mean girl, a**hole whatever you want to call it and sometimes we allow the voice to be so loud that there is no room to listen to the reason. So what can you do about her?

Here are a few things that I do to quiet that mean girl inside my head;

Give her a name;

This is weird I know but trust me, give her a name this way we can address the noisy negative Nancy. My inner mean girl is Stella. Stella likes to tell me that I am unworthy, that I am stupid, that I am lazy and criticizes everything I do. Like “why would you say that, that person is going to think you’re stupid, now she will never like you because you did this” or “Everyone hates you” or “You are so stupid how could you not know how to do this simple thing” What can I say, she is a total b*tch .

Okay so now you have named her here’s what you can do next;

Acknowledge her comments but do not believe them, question; is this really true what she’s saying? The comments that she shouts out are NOT true. They aren’t; plain and simple they are lies! Question everything negative she says and let it go because that is not the truth. It is the overthinking and over analyzing Stella! She lives literally to bring you down so make sure that you hear what she is saying and then ask yourself do I believe this?

The next thing to do with your noisy voice is to tell her thanks but no thanks;

When she decides to give her little trickle of negative wisdom stop her in her tracks. Just say “ I hear you Stella, thanks for the thought and concern but I am good, I got this today! No need for your input” Along with questioning her we want to make our own voice heard not just the anxious negative voice that seem to come through loud and clear. Stop the chatter before the speech, tell her to knock it off within the first opening sentence. Hear her concern but just know that you have got this.

When you feeling the anxiety come up and Stella starts chattering these are the steps that I take to quiet her voice so that mine can come through.

I hope these little steps can help you when your inner mean girl comes out to shout rude and untrue stories at you.

Let me know on my latest Instagram post what your thoughts are on the steps to addressing the voices in your head.



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