New year, whole lotta passion.


2018 has been an amazing year of growth for me, I have traveled, I had a very active and adventurous summer, I dabbled some more into adulting things like getting my own place and I have worked a lot on my personal practice. With the year coming to a close, many of us will be making our new years resolutions. I have been thinking about my own resolutions and reflecting on the ones I made last year.  Celebrating the ones, I stuck to and remembering the ones I did not. I’d like to invite you to take a moment do the same. The resolutions I made that I stuck to throughout the year were the ones that I was passionate about and the ones that I was doing for myself that only I could see the progress I was making. The ones that I let go of pretty quickly were the ones I was doing for other people and that I did not truly care about.

                 I would like to challenge you to make resolutions that you truly want to see yourself complete through all of 2019, and not because your friends are doing it, or you think if you do it will make others happy. Make resolutions you are passionate about and get very clear on them. For example, if you are making a goal to go to the gym everyday so you can lose X amount of weight ok that is amazing, good for you. Now how will you do that to make sure you stay devoted to your resolution? Will it be through running everyday? What exercises will you do? Get specific. Write down and be realistic about what your resolution is. If working out every day is realistic for you, write what types of exercises. If you are putting down that you will be working out everyday but that is an unrealistic goal and you will be beating your self up if you miss a day and find yourself discouraged that you will be quitting your new years resolution completely, then tweak it so it is more manageable. Change it up a little bit and maybe put down to go to the gym four times a week. I also want you to write what exercises you will be doing. plan ahead. If you are going to get tired doing cardio every time, again you will be discouraged and allow your resolution to fade. Throw in some different exercises, maybe ab workouts, HIIT workouts, yoga classes, leg day, switch it up keep things fun and interesting. Don’t make the goals out to be a chore, make them something that you will enjoy.

The next thing to write out is why you want this? And if it is for any reason that you are not passionate about then don’t do it. Let it be for your own betterment, no one else’s. Don’t spend endless time at the gym for someone else or doing workouts that don’t serve or ignite you. Eat heathier whole foods for your own health, and don’t beat yourself up if you indulge once and a while. Don’t spend money on a craze diet because all your friends are doing it. I believe the key to a successful resolution is to make goals that are achievable for yourself and ones that you truly want to change.

2019 for me is going to be the year of passion. And what I mean by that is that I want to be passionate about more things. Passionate about my workouts and my food that I am fueling my body with. I want to truly enjoy journaling, my daily routine, reading for knowledge and for pleasure. I want to live. I want to experience things with passion. I don’t want to do things that I feel obligated to do and don’t do well or end up doing because I have no desire to do them. I cannot live my life for others. It’s drains a lot from me and it doesn’t serve me. I want to do and experience things that light me up. For me to stick to my resolutions and goals I have picked ones that I am passionate about.

Here are a few of mine;

I want to try 5 new things that I have never done before,

I want to think even more positively,

I would like to do another yoga teacher training,

I want to continue with my journaling,

I want to be more focus and I’d like to plan out mini goals each month,

I want to teach more,

I want to read 100 books

I will meal plan at least twice a month,

And there are many more, but these are the things that I am passionate about and I truly think that I can achieve them. When making your new years resolutions, write them all out and again get specific, and read them over and make sure that they are things you actually want to do. Set your self up for a successful year. Allow yourself room to tweak your goals after a few weeks if they need adjustment, so you can stay on track with your resolutions. I wish you all a very happy and healthy new year and please feel free to share some of your new year’s resolutions on our Instagram and Facebook page.



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